Sunday, April 8, 2012

"I Know That My Redeemer Lives"

this song makes me tear up every time.

My sister in law and her brother are so talented. And at 00:20, you'll notice a picture of firemen holding a portrait  that is burned entirely around Christ.

Here's the story if you're curious...

I have such a testimony of Jesus Christ.

I want everyone to know, that I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that he lived and died for us, and that he was resurrected. I'm positive, that were he to appear to me in person, right now, I couldn't believe in him more than I do now, because the Holy Ghost has touched my heart and proclaimed of that truth to me.

For those of you still searching, I implore you to pray earnestly, read the scriptures, and I promise you, that you will receive the knowledge and truth that I have come to know and love.

Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer, and I'm thankful for this opportunity at Easter to not only hear that beautiful, incredible story once again, but to share with anyone and everyone my testimony. I love this gospel. I can only imagine what my life would be like without it, and it's empty.

Nothing brings me more joy or peace than being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love my Savior. I feel his presence in my life every single day. I know that Christ is the only way, and that by him and through him, no matter where this crazy life takes us, we have the opportunity to reach our full potential, to be all that we can possibly be. I pray that I can be such an example, that by knowing me, people will want to know Christ.

No matter your religion, or the lack thereof, I hope everyone takes just a moment at the very least, to just ponder the message of Easter today.

I posted this on my profile already, I know, but here it is again. Just watch, and really listen:

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