In light of recent events, and in honor of Thanksgiving, I wanted to express my gratitude. In the last 8 months, I have been in three car accidents, totaling two different cars. The latter crash happened just this last Friday, when a man ran a red light as I was driving through the intersection. By a miracle, our cars collided in a way that I ran into his side. The entire front of my car was smashed, but I was wearing my seat belt, so I was restrained and other than another concussion and a few scrapes and bruises, I was physically unscathed. The side of his car was banged up pretty good, but it was such a large vehicle that I'm almost positive that had he come through two seconds later, he would have smashed my side and sent my little car flying. Even with how awful it was, and how terrifying it is having your airbags deploy and totaling yet another car, I'm so truly thankful that it wasn't so much worse. The man driving the other car is totally fine. We both walked away by the grace of God that day. Only my Heavenly Father knows how I'm still alive, and only He knows why, but I can't express how grateful I am to still be here. Cars are just things, and things can be replaced. I have so much gratitude for a family that takes care of me, for parents that still love me when I total their car, for friends that care about me, and for the Savior who watches over me and puts me back together when I'm broken, what at times feels beyond repair. I'm thankful to have a knowledge of the Gospel, that teaches me that this life isn't supposed to be easy, that we receive trials to help us grow, but that by faith and opening our hearts to be changed and touched, we can become better, stronger, and mostly importantly, sympathetic to those around us. We go through hardships because the Lord trusts us to trust in Him. What a wonderful gift that is. What a beautiful life. I'm grateful for another day to live it. Tell someone people you love them while you still have today, before you run out of tomorrows.
Glad you're okay missy! BE SO CAREFUL!
haha thanks babe! you're a sweetheart. I just have the worst luck...
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