So typically on Sundays, I like to share spiritual thoughts or feelings from church or talks I have studied, but I was talking with my family this morning about revelation, and it occured to me that my ideas would appropriately fit in my blog.
All of us have a list of what we are looking for in our significant other. I made a physical list in Young Women's roughly 6 years ago. As time has gone on, the list has changed and grown and shrunk and this morning, I realized I only need 2 qualities in my future husband.
The first quality is that he has to make me laugh. Because I laugh all the time anyways, so whoever I'm with better be able to laugh with me. Obviously.
The second, and most encompassing, and also arguably most important is that he must be someone that seeks for, and lives by revelation. In my experience, the men I have dated that have possessed all the other traits I want, are men that let revelation direct their lives. Because those who live in accordance to revelation are those who love God more than anything or anyone else. They are temple worthy. They are more often than not the ones that served honorable missions. They are people that serve. Letting our Father in Heaven know that we will live in accordance to His will is evidence that we are humble, and teachable. And when we display these traits, we are susceptible to being more loving, more compassionate, more charitable. The more we obey, the more we serve, the more we love. These are purposefully, and divinely intertwined. Men that generally treat women the best, that are typically the most chilvalrous, are ones that know how because they are sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, that know the value of themselves and others. Obviously humans are flawed, and even living close to the spirit leaves room for error, but the caliber of person who relies heavily on revelation far exceeds those who don't. Not to say those who don't let revelation guide them are bad people, but the chances of them bringing you closer to Christ are far more slim if they aren't constantly calling upon Him. Right? Especially because questions such as where you are going to live, how many kids you'll have, jobs, houses, serving a mission, and things of that nature can all be solved by trusting in the Lord's plan.
Revelation is how we change and learn and grow. Revelation leads us to the Atonement, it's how our Father speaks to us and helps us.
My dad lives his life in such a way. He is the reason I expect what I expect out of the men I date, and likewise why I expect what I do of myself. He is valiant and lets God lead his life in every aspect. My mom and I were discussing about the miracle it is that my dad can and has always been able to provide for a family of 12 with no college degree. And I believe it's because he trusted in the Lord's plan for him and his life. I mean, he is brilliantly smart, so he also emmulates his talents. Luckily, I am constantly, immensely blessed by the way he receives and listens to revelation.
I don't claim to be perfect. I know I am far from where I need to be. But I do aim for exaltation, and I know revelation is the way to get there. And I cannot love someone (romantically) who isn't on the same path that I am on. I'm not interested in a temporary marriage. I have no interest in loving for a while. I want to love with that forever love that we were promised if we live worthy. I want to be married for time and all eternity, and there is only one way to get there.
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