"“Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong,” he says. “Sin becomes fine.”
What, in your mind, is sinful?
“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”"
The first line seems to be the only thing the LGBT can focus on. However, they neglect to recognize that Phil is not singling out homosexuals. He also talks about straight people who sleep with multiple partners, drunks, etc. What also has been neglected is his latter comment:
""We never, ever judge someone on who's going to heaven, hell. That's the Almighty's job. We just love 'em, give 'em the good news about Jesus--whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort 'em out later, you see what I'm saying?""
So explain to me his bigotry in saying we just need to love? The hypocrisy in the left wing outrage is astounding. He has every right as an American citizen to express his opinion. If you disagree, you might want to read the Constitution...because I'm 99% positive it addresses exactly that issue. A&E doesn't even have a leg to stand on suspending him from the show because he wasn't even on the show when he made the comments--not that it really has the right to regulate his beliefs anyways.
""We never, ever judge someone on who's going to heaven, hell. That's the Almighty's job. We just love 'em, give 'em the good news about Jesus--whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort 'em out later, you see what I'm saying?""
So explain to me his bigotry in saying we just need to love? The hypocrisy in the left wing outrage is astounding. He has every right as an American citizen to express his opinion. If you disagree, you might want to read the Constitution...because I'm 99% positive it addresses exactly that issue. A&E doesn't even have a leg to stand on suspending him from the show because he wasn't even on the show when he made the comments--not that it really has the right to regulate his beliefs anyways.
Identifying the Conservative political party, as well as growing up a member of the LDS Church in Colorado, I was constantly surrounded by people who disagreed with my views. I was actually quite thankful to have grown up in the environment I did, being privy to many different view points and beliefs. I have had countless discussions on faith and social issues with Baptists, Buddhists, Atheists, Catholics, homosexuals, the whole spectrum. While I have dear friends and know people who respect my beliefs, and I theirs, I have also encountered so many people who preach and preach and preach tolerance and acceptance, but tear me apart for being a Mormon. In fact, I was friends with a boy in high school who is gay, who constantly belittled and made fun of me for practicing the LDS faith. I couldn't possibly tell you the number of times he told me I wouldn't go to heaven because I disagree with the gay lifestyle. I never told him he was a bad person, I never told him he was going to hell, I simply expressed once that I didn't agree with his lifestyle choices--not only because he practiced homosexuality, but also because he slept around with many people--and I never brought it up again due to the horrid backlash I received from him. A few months ago he deleted my entire family from Facebook because he said he wouldn't associate with people who disagreed with his lifestyle. I hold no malice against him, because he can say and do whatever he wants. I have many friends that are homosexual and I love them, I think they are great people.
I also don't agree with having sex outside of marriage (which is another post entirely.) I don't agree with lying, stealing, murder, watching pornography, choosing not to get married and have children, being mean, abuse, the list goes on. Now, before you jump on me, I am the first to say that I'm not perfect. I know I make mistakes. But I also believe that the point of this life is to make mistakes, learn, and become better. I hope people understand and love and forgive me when I mess up, or even just that I'm a Mormon, just as I love those that I don't necessarily agree with how they live their life. That does NOT mean that I am judging anyone, and such an accusation is entirely ignorant. I love people, and this is not to say that I'm a saint or that the Right Wing is much more tolerant than the Left Wing. I think there is hypocrisy on both sides. All I'm saying, is that I have found it common in my experience for some Liberals to call for tolerance for everyone...except the religious. I have also seen many religious people to be intolerant of non-believers. I believe there are issues on both sides.
However, I digress. Let's focus solely on Phil's comments. The views he expressed are Biblical principals. That's no secret. He wasn't even saying that he thought the above mentioned would go to hell, he was paraphrasing Corinthians--he just thinks it's wrong. Which is his right as a human being. If you don't like those principals, you don't have to read the Bible, similarly if you don't like what Phil Roberston thinks, YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH HIS SHOW. He's not in any position of authority--he's just some backwoods redneck who got his own reality tv show. The Constitution of the United States, the document upon which this country was founded on, proclaims the right to freedom of speech. Not "freedom to say whatever is politically correct." Frankly, I don't understand how same-sex marriage falls under "the pursuit of happiness," but proclaiming religious ideology doesn't qualify as free speech. In any case, I would be willing to bet that a great deal of those offended by his remarks don't even watch Duck Dynasty. So kudos to A&E for alienating your audience, who are the ones posting and supporting "FREE PHIL".
Corrupt is our society when the rights given to the people, by the people, for the people, are being threatened by the very same who demanded them.
I also don't agree with having sex outside of marriage (which is another post entirely.) I don't agree with lying, stealing, murder, watching pornography, choosing not to get married and have children, being mean, abuse, the list goes on. Now, before you jump on me, I am the first to say that I'm not perfect. I know I make mistakes. But I also believe that the point of this life is to make mistakes, learn, and become better. I hope people understand and love and forgive me when I mess up, or even just that I'm a Mormon, just as I love those that I don't necessarily agree with how they live their life. That does NOT mean that I am judging anyone, and such an accusation is entirely ignorant. I love people, and this is not to say that I'm a saint or that the Right Wing is much more tolerant than the Left Wing. I think there is hypocrisy on both sides. All I'm saying, is that I have found it common in my experience for some Liberals to call for tolerance for everyone...except the religious. I have also seen many religious people to be intolerant of non-believers. I believe there are issues on both sides.
However, I digress. Let's focus solely on Phil's comments. The views he expressed are Biblical principals. That's no secret. He wasn't even saying that he thought the above mentioned would go to hell, he was paraphrasing Corinthians--he just thinks it's wrong. Which is his right as a human being. If you don't like those principals, you don't have to read the Bible, similarly if you don't like what Phil Roberston thinks, YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH HIS SHOW. He's not in any position of authority--he's just some backwoods redneck who got his own reality tv show. The Constitution of the United States, the document upon which this country was founded on, proclaims the right to freedom of speech. Not "freedom to say whatever is politically correct." Frankly, I don't understand how same-sex marriage falls under "the pursuit of happiness," but proclaiming religious ideology doesn't qualify as free speech. In any case, I would be willing to bet that a great deal of those offended by his remarks don't even watch Duck Dynasty. So kudos to A&E for alienating your audience, who are the ones posting and supporting "FREE PHIL".
Corrupt is our society when the rights given to the people, by the people, for the people, are being threatened by the very same who demanded them.